How Much Water Is Wasted From A Dripping Faucet?
One of the significant problems of every household is leaking faucets. It not only wastes water but also inflates the water bills. On average, if the faucet drips 60 drops of water in a minute, you waste around 21 liters of water every day. If you multiply with 365, then you are wasting around 7665 liters of water in a year. It is a complete waste.
The need to save water
However, with proper care, one can stop this water wastage and cut down the water bills. The groundwater levels are depleting fast across the globe. Many parts of the world are facing drought and famine. Therefore, the significant source of water is perennial rivers and streams. However, with sedimentation and global warming, they are also running dry. Though many middle-east countries are converting seawater into sweet water, the process is too costly.
The water waste depends on the drip
Scientists have found that a drop of water has a volume of 0.33 ml. using a measuring glass; they also concluded that 3000 drips make a liter of water. Thus, one liter of water is equal to 1000 ml. Therefore, 1 liter of water is equivalent to around 3030 drips. Again if the drip sequence is less than a second, then more amount of water is wasted.
Equivalent drops
With the metric system coming into force, pharmacists and scientists have concluded that a drop of water is equivalent to 0.05 ml. In other words, we can say 20 drops make a milliliter of water. If you are wasting around 26 to 37 liters of water per day, you are wasting approximately 13,505 liters of water in a year. You have to pay $20 or more extra each year for the wastage.
Prevent water wastage
There are many ways to prevent water wastage while using leaking faucets. They can be taking shorter showers, avoid pre-rinsing of the dishes, stop wasting water in the kitchen, reuse water, and many more. But repairing the leakages is the best process to stop faucet leaking and cutting down the water bill.
Dripping Faucet Repair in Nashville
Handling the faucets gently, replacing the valves or the rubber gaskets at times can help stop the dripping. However, if the problem is not solved with home remedies, it is best to call a professional and replace the faucets. Saving water is most important for human existence.